Saturday, December 9, 2006

Red Spots Appear On Forehead After Headache

For once .... TOO! Aury

I thought I would tell something about the trip to Brescia on Tuesday.
8.30: Classes 5M, 5L and 5P are found in the central station to catch the train to Brescia. Also this time the State railways were not denied! In fact we started with half an hour or so late.
On arrival we tried to do local mind and remember exactly where he was the Museum of Santa Giulia. With Prof. Beef, Poultry bales have reached the place and then after we arrange this meeting we fired into bar, focaccia, pizza or any store selling edible goods.
After being properly fed, the group met and we have so embarked on a journey that lasted two hours in the romantic style of Turner and Constable and the French impressionist painting. As with any show, it was difficult to follow the guide, but we left somewhat carried away with these masterpieces, some of which seemed real postcards.
The majesty of the paintings, colors, and style of each artist, have done so by players all the time spent in the museum. And finally we also saw the works of Mondrian and the development of the representation of the tree, to those we would call very normal "square" (which I think are not very normal).
In conclusion, I was very satisfied with the visit very much more than last year.
Outside the museum, tired and worried, we reached the station, ready for the return trip: comfortable at first, but then it became a race (race and underlined) against time to find all the connections with the media .
At 18:30 I arrived at home ready to put stress on mom, dad and brother with my story of the day over!

the next
(which will be very soon ... =)) ...


PS: For those interested, I thought I'd provide a link that explains very interesting word for word what in fact we have seen! Happy reading!


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