Saturday, December 23, 2006

Jose Rizal Blueprints For Nation Building

Crash course in learning theory

A Christmas message to a text that deals with a problem that we have to do every day: how to learn and how to teach today. The original title is

Crash course in learning theory , ie intensive course on learning theory and the author is Kathy Sierra, an American, an expert on information technology and training, which for several years dealing with problems of 'learning.

The title maybe a bit scared 'and suggests a treaty boring, in fact the author's language is simple and straightforward, the text is rich with images and examples are taken from various fields of experience, Kathy Sierra's speech is not specific to the school but the teaching and learning in general, often is best done outside the classroom.

The text, which was originally posted on the blog Creating Passionate Users (Creating passionate users), I immediately felt very interesting, so interesting, that I finally decided to translate it with the help of my friend network.

Finally, and to convince you to look at it, I must tell you that in the text there is also a hand graph of the "bad" that has refined some images, edited in translation Italian.

You can download the text. Pdf here:

little pages in my web you will find brief presentation at this address:

and another fine article by Kathy Sierra, Learning in the classroom: how boring!

Happy reading and above all happy holidays!



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