Saturday, December 9, 2006

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... for president! Chronicles of student elections

presentazione della nostra lista

experience in "political" student was very interesting and fun.
all started from my job and Zena to a list that has been proposed by Deborah, a girl of 5L. The reason for my candidacy?
I honestly do not know either, because, if I have to tell the truth, I have always been "ashamed" to speak with many people, but this time I felt the need to do so. Maybe once
one that comes in fifth, last year, understands the true state is located in the school that he attended for 5 years (some even more than 5) and feels the need to put so its not to try to change it (virtually impossible), but at least improve it in those little things that could be, for example, the holiday season or the end of those years.
In reality these are just platitudes, because the fundamental problem is still warming, the safety of vehicles (motorcycles and cars), etc. ...
summarize all these ideas, I and my seven "colleagues" so we have compiled a program summary, but efficient! For list 2, that is ours, is chose the name "OH MY GADDA" perhaps this name is a bit 'tragic, and it was quite laughed at by everyone, including the principal, but in the end reflects the true state of the school ... we really hit rock bottom!
So after choosing the name of the list and spread the program, we have as good graphics data to the "mad joy" and we created posters that now have become the tapestry of the new school. On election day student, so many other posters have sprung up, a different, and I realized that there were only five candidates lists ... Wow!
presentations of our program have been altogether good.
Maybe a little ' disorganized the first, but otherwise we can not complain. It was still interesting to hear the proposals of the other lists, although among the latter have created tensions due to ideal "fascists" or "communists" who, in my opinion, in school elections should not even be minimally treated.
All in all it was a great experience and even though I was part of the list has not been voted by the majority of the students, it was still important to participate.

... Aury


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