Sunday, December 17, 2006

Com Port Coinslot Diagram On Kiosk Timer

Impressionists for a day!

The work performed during the hours of graphic art has given us the opportunity to compare the themes of Impressionism and Post Impressionism.
It was very interesting, because after studying the theoretical parts, the latter have been applied on a sheet of paper.
The first work concerning the representation of an Impressionist landscape, was performed outdoors (en plein air) more precisely in the school garden.
Luckily the weather was favorable and gave us the opportunity to use colorful individuals as the Impressionists, black.
were used different types of materials: crayons, oil pastels, crayons and paint. for my design, I preferred to use the paints, which gave me the opportunity to speed up the work and starting to use more colors than the darker (different shades of green, blue and gray) until you get to lighten the entire job with touches of white tempera thus affects of light on all the elements of the design.
For the second job, Post Impressionist, was instead taken a picture of the essential elements (parts of trees, bushes, etc ...) and then the composition has been studied in class.
The technique and the colors were chosen and thanks to these two elements, each of us was able to create your own style. Some of us, however, have preferred to use for their representation, the technique of pointillism, finding himself thus splitting the light into small spots and then reassemble it on the paper by giving special optical effects.
Again, the materials used were chosen, and also for the second night I decided to use the paints.
The works were finally collected into a single bill that put them in a very clear comparison.

Caption: The image below represents the work of art described above
Click on the image, you can see a larger view.


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