Saturday, December 23, 2006

Jose Rizal Blueprints For Nation Building

Crash course in learning theory

A Christmas message to a text that deals with a problem that we have to do every day: how to learn and how to teach today. The original title is

Crash course in learning theory , ie intensive course on learning theory and the author is Kathy Sierra, an American, an expert on information technology and training, which for several years dealing with problems of 'learning.

The title maybe a bit scared 'and suggests a treaty boring, in fact the author's language is simple and straightforward, the text is rich with images and examples are taken from various fields of experience, Kathy Sierra's speech is not specific to the school but the teaching and learning in general, often is best done outside the classroom.

The text, which was originally posted on the blog Creating Passionate Users (Creating passionate users), I immediately felt very interesting, so interesting, that I finally decided to translate it with the help of my friend network.

Finally, and to convince you to look at it, I must tell you that in the text there is also a hand graph of the "bad" that has refined some images, edited in translation Italian.

You can download the text. Pdf here:

little pages in my web you will find brief presentation at this address:

and another fine article by Kathy Sierra, Learning in the classroom: how boring!

Happy reading and above all happy holidays!


Monday, December 18, 2006

Silversmithing Calgary


I received this morning the schedule (hopefully) final draft of the Right to Work. There is some variation from what you had communicated orally.

FORMS (to be held here at school)

Friday, January 26, 2007 9.30 -12.30 : Labour Market, and Prof. Aina Casalone
Friday, February 9, 2007: Jobs economics and happiness, Prof. Porta
Monday, February 26, 2007: Right to work, and Dr. Tajani varve
Friday, March 2, 2007: Aspects of social work training, Paolo Ferri
Friday April 20, 2007 : Labour and the future Dr. Raffaele Donadio and Chiaf

Wednesday, January 31
: SEMINAR on "Labour markets in Milan and province,"
9.00 at the Auditorium of Gentileschi, via Natta 11 Milano (MM red, Rho-Fiera stop LAMPUGNANO)

summary : the next two events are the to school on January 26 and January 31 Natta in Milan at ( Metro Red Line stop Lampugnano)



Sunday, December 17, 2006

Com Port Coinslot Diagram On Kiosk Timer

Impressionists for a day!

The work performed during the hours of graphic art has given us the opportunity to compare the themes of Impressionism and Post Impressionism.
It was very interesting, because after studying the theoretical parts, the latter have been applied on a sheet of paper.
The first work concerning the representation of an Impressionist landscape, was performed outdoors (en plein air) more precisely in the school garden.
Luckily the weather was favorable and gave us the opportunity to use colorful individuals as the Impressionists, black.
were used different types of materials: crayons, oil pastels, crayons and paint. for my design, I preferred to use the paints, which gave me the opportunity to speed up the work and starting to use more colors than the darker (different shades of green, blue and gray) until you get to lighten the entire job with touches of white tempera thus affects of light on all the elements of the design.
For the second job, Post Impressionist, was instead taken a picture of the essential elements (parts of trees, bushes, etc ...) and then the composition has been studied in class.
The technique and the colors were chosen and thanks to these two elements, each of us was able to create your own style. Some of us, however, have preferred to use for their representation, the technique of pointillism, finding himself thus splitting the light into small spots and then reassemble it on the paper by giving special optical effects.
Again, the materials used were chosen, and also for the second night I decided to use the paints.
The works were finally collected into a single bill that put them in a very clear comparison.

Caption: The image below represents the work of art described above
Click on the image, you can see a larger view.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Red Spots Appear On Forehead After Headache

For once .... TOO! Aury

I thought I would tell something about the trip to Brescia on Tuesday.
8.30: Classes 5M, 5L and 5P are found in the central station to catch the train to Brescia. Also this time the State railways were not denied! In fact we started with half an hour or so late.
On arrival we tried to do local mind and remember exactly where he was the Museum of Santa Giulia. With Prof. Beef, Poultry bales have reached the place and then after we arrange this meeting we fired into bar, focaccia, pizza or any store selling edible goods.
After being properly fed, the group met and we have so embarked on a journey that lasted two hours in the romantic style of Turner and Constable and the French impressionist painting. As with any show, it was difficult to follow the guide, but we left somewhat carried away with these masterpieces, some of which seemed real postcards.
The majesty of the paintings, colors, and style of each artist, have done so by players all the time spent in the museum. And finally we also saw the works of Mondrian and the development of the representation of the tree, to those we would call very normal "square" (which I think are not very normal).
In conclusion, I was very satisfied with the visit very much more than last year.
Outside the museum, tired and worried, we reached the station, ready for the return trip: comfortable at first, but then it became a race (race and underlined) against time to find all the connections with the media .
At 18:30 I arrived at home ready to put stress on mom, dad and brother with my story of the day over!

the next
(which will be very soon ... =)) ...


PS: For those interested, I thought I'd provide a link that explains very interesting word for word what in fact we have seen! Happy reading!

Play Hit And Run Online Free

... for president! Chronicles of student elections

presentazione della nostra lista

experience in "political" student was very interesting and fun.
all started from my job and Zena to a list that has been proposed by Deborah, a girl of 5L. The reason for my candidacy?
I honestly do not know either, because, if I have to tell the truth, I have always been "ashamed" to speak with many people, but this time I felt the need to do so. Maybe once
one that comes in fifth, last year, understands the true state is located in the school that he attended for 5 years (some even more than 5) and feels the need to put so its not to try to change it (virtually impossible), but at least improve it in those little things that could be, for example, the holiday season or the end of those years.
In reality these are just platitudes, because the fundamental problem is still warming, the safety of vehicles (motorcycles and cars), etc. ...
summarize all these ideas, I and my seven "colleagues" so we have compiled a program summary, but efficient! For list 2, that is ours, is chose the name "OH MY GADDA" perhaps this name is a bit 'tragic, and it was quite laughed at by everyone, including the principal, but in the end reflects the true state of the school ... we really hit rock bottom!
So after choosing the name of the list and spread the program, we have as good graphics data to the "mad joy" and we created posters that now have become the tapestry of the new school. On election day student, so many other posters have sprung up, a different, and I realized that there were only five candidates lists ... Wow!
presentations of our program have been altogether good.
Maybe a little ' disorganized the first, but otherwise we can not complain. It was still interesting to hear the proposals of the other lists, although among the latter have created tensions due to ideal "fascists" or "communists" who, in my opinion, in school elections should not even be minimally treated.
All in all it was a great experience and even though I was part of the list has not been voted by the majority of the students, it was still important to participate.

... Aury

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Pondicherry Marriage Registration Department

The exhibition of Brescia and that of Paderno


Path to the exhibition of Brescia and notes for the exhibition of qiuntaemme
I think yesterday, five-December, a visit to the exhibition of Impressionist and Brescia on the landscape, has been a true trail for all. We reviewed, and in real life, a path that we have studied since the beginning of the year, and we were able to follow the steps of Mondrian's abstract expressionism.

I think it was also a confirmation of the artwork exhibited in these days: the real copy of an initial interpretation of the theme of rational or emotional landscape. Of course we do not want low compared with the 'big' end, turn of the century, however, working with colors and with the head to understand consernte a better path to abstraction in painting has always been there.

now awaits a wonderful trip to Prague where you will also see the Liberty, another subject of the beginning of 900.

Appearance reports (verbally) and postcard .... Have a good trip!