Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Butterfly Caterpillar Quote

Seminar 31: two or three things that I've been in my head ... Materials

Here is a photographic record of the first seminar Lampugnano

But there even a small work that I ask you to do: write in the comment to post the two or three things (but you can also overdo it: 4, 5 etc ...) that there have been more in mind, among much data, comments, observations made by the speakers (Bruno Casati, Riccardo Kustermann, Cristina Tajani, Charles Devillanova) and the coordinator (Mario Mazzoleni) of the seminar.
Eventually we gather and see what comes out.

Finally add the address of the papers of Charles Villanova, which I think is really a document of great interest, for convenience, I also copied on our wiki: showimage/EconWP110.pdf
is worth at least take a look at the data.

Good work!



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