Sunday, January 25, 2009

Demand For Colgate Toothpaste

How to get to and around Cornwall ...

always, as far as I can remember, sensitive to the charm remote, melancholy and wild landscapes typical of the British Isles, I have discovered in recent times the beauty views of the western part of southern England: the rugged coastline of Cornwall and the shining of distant Isles of Scilly. These are places in the last three years I continued to visit and explore, alone and in company, always fascinated by the fickleness of the climate, the force of the sea, the sparkling green fields, gentle hills and the hospitality of the inhabitants .
In 2006, the year of my first visit, I met the Italian tourists were so few that they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, last summer I noticed a small but significant increase, and this both to please me, me made you think you can create a place where exchange travel experiences and, above all, to give valuable suggestions to those who have intention to visit this wonderful land and do not even know where to go, how to get or where to go ...
A warm welcome, then, to all those who want to read and who want to make their contribution to this virtual journey, I hope, will be very nice ...


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