Monday, March 19, 2007

Interview Post Email To Employer

Exams? Yes, yes ... there is just air tests ... Some links on

http://www.scuolidea .com / DIDATTIKA / esami.htm / ragioneria.html

Guys I found these sites!
Interestingly enough I say! There are traces of the examinations, proposed years ago, more precisely from 1996 to last year (remember warmly our former comrades of 5 ^ M)
I read something ... Pirandello, Quasimodo, Pavese ...??? Prof who are these characters?
Help! Not to mention the subjects proposed ... short essays, "UN", "Oscars of the music, like Madonna, Eminem," or "Water resource and source of life" ...

for today I think I'm depressed enough already ...
is up to you now ...
the joke =)

Good research!

... Aury


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