Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wwe Trish Stratus Without Dress

Simulation exam

remind everyone that Thursday, March 22 is the simulation of the examination. It would be nice to all
/ and!

Here's the address where to find all the examinations from 1997 to 2006:

http://www.edscuola.com/esami.html # Tests

Monday, March 19, 2007

Interview Post Email To Employer

Exams? Yes, yes ... there is just air tests ... Some links on

http://www.scuolidea .com / DIDATTIKA / esami.htm


http://www.repubblica.it/speciale/2005/maturita / ragioneria.html

Guys I found these sites!
Interestingly enough I say! There are traces of the examinations, proposed years ago, more precisely from 1996 to last year (remember warmly our former comrades of 5 ^ M)
I read something ... Pirandello, Quasimodo, Pavese ...??? Prof who are these characters?
Help! Not to mention the subjects proposed ... short essays, "UN", "Oscars of the music, like Madonna, Eminem," or "Water resource and source of life" ...

for today I think I'm depressed enough already ...
is up to you now ...
the joke =)

Good research!

... Aury

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Best Upconverting A/v Receivers


Some links on Ungaretti.

start from the Wikipedia page:

For the texts that interest us:
http://www.club.it/autori/giuseppe.ungaretti / poesie.html

For comments:

http://balbruno.altervista.org/index-184.html (I rivers)


Commentary Sleep and brothers (you need the QuickTime plugin)

Sleep: travel around a poem against the war. Hypertext (see image above) not to be missed, you can browse online or download (12 Mb)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bible Word Forhouse Warming

Me the dog ate them: 87 excuses for not doing homework

I know I know, the moment is difficult inspections, remedial courses, mock tests question, but I can not help myself.

Do I have to point out this article in English:

The Dog Ate it Manifesto: 87 Excuses for Not Doing Your Homework

It 's true that you never stop learning!

Good reading


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Javjunkies What Happen ?

Down with the pasta ...

Here is the link to the Manifesto of Futurist cooking:
http://it.wikisource.org/ wiki / Manifesto_della_cucina_futurista

here and instead the full text of the Technical Manifesto of Futurist Literature:

On the tables instead parolibere you can see here.

Good reading


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Gt Pregnant Games Online

informational society, where I work.

is a presentation by prof. Ferri used for the module on "The socio-educational work." Of course I appreciate your willingness to share its materials.

You can also see the presentation directly to this address:


remember that view the presentation, your browser must have the Flash plugin.

Good reading.
